Every time I go body surfing during the winter when hardly anybody else is out there the lifeguard in his truck always comes and parks directly across from me and just sits there and watches me the ENTIRE TIME I'm body surfing.
THIS STARTED HAPPENING a few years ago. And then I hadn't been back for a while. But then I returned recently and it happened again. The lifeguard SHOULD be able to CLEARLY 👀SEE by observing for a short while that I'm a competent swimmer & of an age and maturity that I am able to handle myself (this happens even when it's low tide & I'm body surfing waist deep - no rip tides, no danger, not even high surf necessarily) .
So there's something else going on besides a concern for my safety. It almost feels like harassment. He could sit in his truck a little ways down the beach so it doesn't feel so conspicuous and obvious that he's sitting there watching ONLY ME.
Needless to say, this is the permanent lifeguard who never gets out of his truck. He's not like the physically fit college kids who do it for a summer temp job. I wonder if he actually ever goes into the water. Has he ever actually had to save somebody ? It's a shame really that they pay somebody to do that job permanently and NEVER get out of the truck.
There should be a requirement that he walks the beach at least once or twice per day. Nobody likes being harassed by a lifeguard 👎😡. LEAVE ME ALONE. I DON'T NEED OR WANT YOU WATCHING ME SO INTENTLY .